
About JCAE

The JCAE is a tri-annual publication which publishes in April, August and December by Elsevier. While there is a special focus on issues relevant to the Asia-Pacific region, the Journal also encourages submissions from countries outside the Asia-Pacific region in the following major areas as related to accounting and auditing issues: financial contracts, corporate governance, capital markets, financial institutions and economics of organizations.

JCAE is widely recognized as a high quality journal by researchers and journal evaluation institutes. For example, since 2010, JCAE has been ranked an “A” grade journal in the Journal Rating Listing of the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC). Currently, JCAE is included in the SCOPUS of Elsevier, the EconLit of the American Economic Association and the SSCI listing.

JCAE 2020

The 2020 JCAE Doctoral Consortium and Annual Symposium, co-organised by University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Deakin University and University of Technology Sydney will be held in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 3rd – 5th January 2020. The programme comprises a two-day symposium with Plenary Paper Sessions, Concurrent Paper Sessions, Integrated Reporting Paper Sessions, Research Forum and Corporate Governance Forum; preceded by a one-day Doctoral Consortium.


Call for papers


Manuscripts should be submitted in MS-Word format (1 blind copy & 1 copy with authors’ details) to jcae@deakin.edu.au.

Please state clearly whether the manuscript is to be submitted for the Plenary Sessions, Concurrent Sessions or Integrated Reporting Sessions.

Papers accepted for Plenary Sessions will be published in the JCAE, subject to satisfactory revision and acceptance by the Editors. Authors are required to sign a copyright release form as a condition of publication.

Authors who do not wish to commit their papers to the Journal should submit their papers for consideration at the Concurrent Sessions or Integrated Reporting Sessions. Plenary submissions not selected for Plenary Sessions will be considered for the Concurrent Sessions or Integrated Reporting Sessions. Authors who do not wish their papers to be considered for Concurrent Sessions or Integrated Reporting Sessions should clearly state this in their submission.

Best Paper Award: The best paper for the Plenary Sessions will receive a cash award of USD1,000.

The Symposium will provide accommodation (single occupancy) for two nights, waiver of registration fees, and reimbursement for a return economy class airfare of a maximum of USD1,200 for one author of each accepted Plenary Sessions paper.


Research proposals should be submitted in MS-Word format with an abstract (maximum 800 words) to: jcae@deakin.edu.au. Please state clearly that the proposal is to be submitted for the Doctoral Consortium.

*Friday, 3rd January 2020 at the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Colombo.

Important Dates


Submission Deadline
30th September 2019
Notification of Acceptance
6th November 2019
Event Dates
4th – 5th January 2020

Doctoral Consortium

Submission Deadline
30th September 2019
Notification of Acceptance
13th November 2019
Event Date
3rd January 2020

2020 JCAE Doctoral Consortium and Annual Symposium